
Here we are waiting for that perfect moment to begin; the beautiful sound of drums softly banged on the Tom-toms captures me floating and following you onto the roof tonight. You ask me what’s in my pocket and I slide my hand into it, pull it out again and spread it open for you to see:

- Oh it’s a little feather! - You say

Now it’s my turn to see what’s in your pocket, let me see what’s inside… you smile and trick me into thinking there’s nothing in your coat’s pocket, then you pull your left hand and there it is:

-A black whisker! Ooh! - I reply without hiding my amazement.

Yes, here we are and I can only be mesmerized…..

She’s wonderful and I, well I’m odd. It’s simply us. These two perfect strangers who have known each other for so long, both tucked inside this fleeting moment, two different kinds befriended by a common enemy, suddenly revealing their magic numbers one to another. How could this have ever happened to us, in a world like this, run by lunatics and their politics? Having ended up being silent lovers and not knowing how or when?

- You are here, real as you are, nothing can bewilder my eyes… - I whisper it out as you try lighting your camel with a candle. We are high, an endless high.

Jeff once sang stars were each one a setting sun. I’m delighted to know this is all we have, a moment alone sitting on the roof, smoking cigarettes and listening to the sound of the night as you keep turning my orbit around.


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